An Answer?
Every creative faces a problem. To be successful he or she . . . . be mad at me . . . he has to dedicate themselves to their creative work. But it doesn't pay. And it may never pay. Most creatives die unknown, their work never earns enough to support the creative.
So . . . quit? Then you were never serious enough about your work to make it succeed. Live a dual life? A career and a side gig doing your creative work? That's common and not a bad choice. Suffer. To succeed you have to surrender to misery. It's going to suck until it doesn't.
Our answer is this store. Already, Alan has his World of Webb's tag line is, "Lies, Damned Lies and Complaints About the News". It's satirical fiction and opinion. But it doesn't pay. So we have this store and a hope that we can sell enough to make it our day job.
Our store is a bit of the nonsense of World of Webb mashed up with our own sense of what's good. We know what we like and that's what we sell. You can trust us to offer products we use ourselves. Also that we stand behind what we offer. Last, some satirical feels are part of our brand. We like to laugh at the cray-cray around us and hope you do as well. It's good nonsense.
Buy our stuff. You can pay in installments and if you don't like what we sold you, send it back within ten days. We think you like what you buy and will buy more. The limited selection that we are launching with isn't all that we'll sell. Last, this is better than standing on a corner with a sign and an empty coffee can, so . . .
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